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6th Annual “Racing” championships held

Foundation for Nonviolent Sports hails day of running and jumping as a genuine alternative to traditional sports.

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The Foundation for Nonviolent Sports has declared its sixth annual day of fitness contests as a genuine alternative to what it describes as the barbaric nature of true sports.  Founder and president of the FNS, Alcortin Dry - who participated in several events himself, coming third in the “jump the highest” contest - said it showed that the risk of fatalities was not necessary for participants and spectators to be engaged with the outcome of games.  ‘Everyone here has had a great day,’ he said of the near-100 strong crowd.  ‘And more to the point:  nobody died.’


Guest of honour on the day was Field-Marshall Fender Brinkman, the legendary sportsman with over 5000 kills to his name and his own mini-continent won in the famous Kraston Challenge Cup of ‘62.  Now retired from sport, Brinkman gamely accepted the FNS’s invitation to spend a day watching people run in straight lines and circles, throw balls and sticks and jump up and down - as well as a new event this year, where people swam as fast as possible back and forward in a pool dug for the purpose.  He seemed rather bemused as he handed out the prizes to a succession of red-faced, out-of-breath contestants, but took it all in his stride.  ‘These people are just having a bit of fun,’ he said afterwards.  ‘It matters to them.  Who are we to sneer?’

6th Annual Racing Championships hailed a success